2009 Special Bulletin #20

         The Special Bulletin I recently posted, titled National Health Scare, made quite an impact. It turns out that the brief I had received from the Liberty Council was the work of a reporter, and neither Matt Staver nor I had the chance to verify its content before it was posted. Matt Staver is preparing a more thorough brief on the bill, and if there are places where things were stated incorrectly, it will be corrected.

         I want to personally thank those who have read different sections of the bill and challenged some of the parts posted in this brief. In the heat of trying to evaluate this bill, there was pressure being put on Congress to ram it through last week, which certainly raised the level of passion on all sides. Now that there is more time, it will be thoroughly evaluated to be sure that what is presented as being in this bill is accurate. Or course, it is likely that the ultimate bill will go through many changes before passing both chambers of Congress, but that makes the need for the public debate as critical as ever.

Even so, regardless of what our position is on the bill, we do not want anything to be overstated, misstated, or exaggerated. Truth is our most valuable commodity, and no cause justifies compromising or bending the truth. One thing almost everyone does agree on is that we are in a health care crisis, and it does need to be addressed. However, it is far too big and important and has major consequences to rush. If ever there was a need for comprehensive challenging of every aspect of a bill by true experts, this is it.


“Hurry Is the Devil”

         All of this leads to another important point. Because of the way this bill was being rushed through Congress, everyone who was trying to evaluate it was being rushed. Why the rush? The legendary psychiatrist and associate of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, once said, “Hurry is not of the devil—it is the devil!” Now that I am back where I have Internet access, from what I have been able to personally read, the health care reform being proposed will profoundly impact the lives of every single American. It also has the potential to radically change America, for the better or for the worse, than any other law in our history. To not take the time to think this through, carefully weighing all of the consequences that the myriad of changes it will implement, is at the very least irresponsibility. What is driving this rush?

If the mad rush to hurry this bill through caused some to misinterpret, misread, or misunderstand parts of this bill, maybe the rush also caused some who were writing the bill to misstate what they were intending to say. For this reason, I could give them a pass for some of the more offensive elements in it, if there is a willingness to slow down and give everyone time to truly consider the implications of this law. However, if the rush continues, I for one will be convinced that there are some very foul things in the bill that are evil.


The Fundamentals

         Those who are the best and most successful in every field are almost always those who do the fundamentals the best. Tiger Woods practices the fundamentals of golf every day, hundreds of times a day. This brings up a very serious matter. Isn’t our President, and most of our congressmen and senators, lawyers? Isn’t one of the first and most fundamental things taught in law school to never sign anything you haven’t read?

Shouldn’t this fundamental apply even far more to writing legislation, and then being willing to give everyone who will have to put their name on it by voting for it the chance to carefully read and consider it? Should we allow anyone to keep representing us if they were to pass something of such magnitude without reading it, evaluating it, and considering its long and short-term implications? Again, this bill is going to profoundly impact the lives of every American. What is the rush?

         As a pastor told me recently, if only 35 percent of what was in the Liberty Council’s brief is true, this will be one of the worst things to have ever happened to our country. The fact that there is such a rush to pass this bill makes us think that they do not want anyone to know about some of what is in it. Nothing else makes sense, so it is natural that we become suspicious. However, we do not want our suspicions to color our evaluation, which they are very likely to do, especially adding the pressure of such a time crunch. We only want the truth and to deal with truth in the Spirit of truth.

However, if under the pressure of rushing, we accomplished getting Congress to insist on having time to read this bill, we may have saved the country from a disaster. Even so, it is right to insist on the truth. This is very serious business with huge implications.


Hitler and Stalin

         Now, could what I said in my previous Bulletin about how Hitler and Stalin would have loved to have had a bill like this been a bit of overstatement? First, this statement was not made to ratchet up the rhetoric to drive people to extremes. I would never want to do that, and I stand by that statement. I thought this before I read the brief on the bill that was sent to me. I also think that just about anyone who has studied how the death culture entered the Nazi and communist systems would almost certainly agree with this.

The warnings about where the Nazi policies could lead were sounded for at least a decade, but almost no one listened, especially when things were getting so much better economically for Germany. Those who gave the warnings were first persecuted, and then almost all of them were killed. Many of the repercussions of what actually resulted from these policies and were implemented through the German health care system turned out to be far worse than anyone probably considered. Until the war was over, many, if not most, Germans were unaware of what had actually gone on in the death camps because the delusion and deception was so great.

I have been warning about the parallels in our own culture for nearly two decades now. I am more sure than ever that the same things which happened in Nazi Germany, or under Stalin in the Soviet Union, could happen in the United States, or anywhere. Just listening to some of the debate about this health care bill alarmed me more than ever.

         Does that mean I think that Obama, or those in his administration, could actually be considering something like what happened in Nazi Germany or under Stalin? No, I don’t. Neither do I think that either Hitler or Stalin did at this stage, but once you start down the wrong path, it never turns into the right path. The only way to get on the right path is to go back to where you missed the turn.

         I do think that Obama, and probably everyone in the administration, would be appalled at the thought of any kind of mass euthanasia being used against our population or any population. I think they would be sincere, but I also think there is a serious disconnect here. In some ways, the culture of death has already progressed in the U.S., far more than it did in Germany until the war broke out. What would happen here if conditions changed like they did in Germany?

         As that is an incendiary statement, that the culture of death is already worse in the U.S., it deserves justification. I think partial birth abortion makes that very clear. Think about the process of pulling a baby halfway out of its mother, drilling a hole in its head, and sucking it’s brains out. What kind of mother could allow such a thing to happen to her child? What kind of doctor could do such a thing? What kind of person could make it a priority to allow such a thing as one of the first acts of their administration?

         To answer that question, I think an otherwise very moral, well-intentioned person could do these things if there is disconnect in their thinking. We have some serious disconnects in the whole public debate, on the right side and the left. I don’t understand how those who are seeking to save every little species on the planet (which I think is a noble cause), can fail to be pro-life, or how pro-life people are not devoted to saving the rest of the species on the earth too. Likewise, I don’t know how pro-life people can be for the death penalty. There are many other areas where there at least seems to be a major disconnect. This is either caused by a basic meltdown in integrity, or is the cause of the meltdown of integrity, which means “to be whole.”

         Millions of Americans already feel that what has been done through abortion here is an “American holocaust.” There is merit to this. Most Americans still have not thought through just what an abortion is, much less how it is performed, which includes many who have had them. Most have comforted themselves by thinking the baby doesn’t feel anything, much less think anything. However, it has been proven that babies have very developed thoughts and feelings, including fear, comfort, and can feel pain, very early in their development in the womb. As Ronald Reagan astutely noted, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

         Almost everyone who searches out the facts about abortion and how it is performed, do become pro-life, which includes even the “Roe” in “Roe vs. Wade,” the case that made abortion legal in America. The more one studies it, the more appalling it becomes. However, the Scriptures are also clear that Satan cannot cast out Satan, and we cannot use evil to try to dispel evil. Every Christian should be vehemently against using any kind of physical violence to stop this physical violence. The Word of God is clear that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal” (see II Corinthians 10:4 NKJV) or physical weapons, but they are much greater than physical weapons. The truth is more powerful and will ultimately prevail.

         If there were extremes, misstatements, or exaggerations in the brief we used to challenge the health care bill, I truly am sorry for that, and we will correct them. I would not have used them if I thought there were, but because of the rush, there simply was not time to check them out. Now there is, and we will. However, I am glad for the heightened sense of urgency that this has brought, and I think that this is something that cannot be exaggerated. This is one of the most serious debates of our times. I think it has presented a chance to address some ultimate issues—and we may not get another chance like this before things have gone too far.

         In upcoming Special Bulletins, I am going to share in some detail what I absorbed over the years that I spent with Col. Bird, who likely was the foremost authority on Nazi Germany for the last few years of his life. I was also able to talk to many others on both sides of the war, and some who saw the progression of the culture of death in Germany from the beginning. Their insights and warnings are needed in this hour. The proverb has been proven over and over that “those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” It does not have to happen in America, but as another proverb states, “If you do not change your direction, you will end up where you are headed.” 

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