Pastoring Families, A Whole New World, and Operating in True Sonship with God


Darrel Simbeck shares his experience in pastoring families in the church.

Aliss Cresswell shares on how we have to keep our eyes fixed on God, not on things the Enemy is trying to distract us with, and how Christ has extended an invitation to us to enter into a “whole new world.”

“In this whole new world there’s less control and it’s scary, but you have to let go.”

Afternoon Session


Jorge Parrott shares testimonies from his personal journey, leaving a successful business to follow the call of God.  He also shares on the extent of missions based out of MorningStar and their world-wide impact.  He encourages listeners to get involved if they feel encouraged to.


David White then shares on the book of Revelation and the wisdom of Solomon.  He also touches on the importance of the anointing and only following things the Lord put anointing on.  

MFM Retreat Kick Off


Rick Joyner – Rick tells the audience that we need to be devoted to the kingdom. The time for harvest is near and we need to prepare for it. He shares that Morningstar is positioned to have a major impact in the nations for the harvest. He also encourages us to stand on sound doctrine.

Bobby Conner - Bobby encourages us to make sure we understand that the gospel is simple and not to make it complicated. He says God is searching hearts these days to see who is going to go further with Him; that all are called but few will come. God is wooing us to spend time with Him.

Leaving A Legacy


After honoring the life of Bob Campell, Martial Ferigo speaks on relationships with the father and the difference between being a teacher and being a father.

Justin Perry teaches about the spirit of Elijah and the last days outpouring of the Holy Spirit

MaryAnne Hardiman talks about honoring the fathers and mothers, what will they give the future children, raising up sons and daughters, and what are we going to leave them? She also shares touching stories about her mother and the legacy she left behind for her children, grandchildren, and for generations to come.