Week 45, 2014

         That the church is called to be family first and then an organization, we have covered before in these weekly studies. However, we do need organization, as every successful family has organization and structure.

         Everyone has probably witnessed families where a young child can rule it by throwing tantrums until it gets its way. This is the result of the father and/or mother not being what they are called to be. If there is a vacuum of leadership, you can count on the rebellious, the self-willed, or the self-promoting to fill it. This has destroyed many families, as well as many churches and organizations.

         Leadership is required in any organization that is going to hold together, grow, or move forward. In a family, the leaders are obviously supposed to be the parents. In a church, this leadership is not so obvious, unless it is really a franchise that presumes to be a church, and then the leadership will come from the franchise headquarters. But is this the way it was done in the Book of Acts, which is the story of the formation of the church? It is noteworthy that after Paul led people to the Lord and established a church, it would often be months before he returned to set leaders in place. He gave time for koinonia to happen before imposing ecclesia. By that time, it was also likely that the true leadership could be discerned.

         Every true church that the Lord is building will have Jesus as the Head. His headship will be exercised through those who He has called and anointed for that purpose. As He said when He entered Jerusalem to be crucified, as recorded in Matthew 23:39, you will not see Me until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.’” After His crucifixion, we must see Him in those He sends, if we are going to see Him.

         The way that I know someone is an Ephesians 4 teacher is not by how knowledgeable or articulate they are, but it is when I see my Teacher, Jesus, in them. The way that I recognize someone as a true Ephesians 4 pastor is not by their education, or how compassionate or wise their counsel is, but it is when I see my Shepherd, Jesus, in them. The same is true of His leadership. I recognize someone as a true ordained leader when I see my Leader in them.

         Those who rely too much on titles, or even on who ordained them, as the basis of their recognition are the ones we should be the most skeptical of. There is a place for understanding and recognizing positions in the body of Christ, but those who are too demanding of recognition are usually the ones we should be wary of and have not been sent by the Lord. It says that Jezebel “calls herself a prophetess” (see Revelation 2:20).

          Sadly, you can throw a rock into just about any crowd today and you will hit an apostle. Almost everyone now claims this title. If you don’t hit an apostle, you will hit a bishop or a prophet. Such foolishness has brought a great devaluation of our spiritual currency and has made these great and important positions a laughingstock. The Lord commended the church in Ephesus because, I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false” (see Revelation 2:2 NIV). We need to see this kind of wisdom and maturity rise up in the body again.

          Even so, the main way we are going to have true spiritual authority in the church is by learning to follow only those who follow Christ, are abiding in Him, and manifesting Him. The way we will know true spiritual leaders is when we see our Leader in them and refuse to follow cheap substitutes.