October 21, 2002

A bold new generation of leaders is about to emerge in France. They will discern and respond to the same prophecy as Joan of Arc, discerning the true King, being willing to fight and sacrifice all to see Him exalted over France. This movement will spark the final reformation movement to sweep the church worldwide. It will be fueled by the restoration of the knowledge of God’s love. The Lord has saved His best wine for last, and France will be a primary source of it.

There will be a revival of the French Foreign Legion (FFL), which will grow in the esteem of the world as an elite force that fights for justice and liberty. The FFL will be a true nation building force, becoming an example to other special forces around the world. This is a sign of France’s call to help build great nations of Africa and the Middle East, where governments will be raised up to benefit and bring prosperity to their people. As France moves toward this calling, her own strength and prosperity will grow, and her people will rise to new heights in art and culture. A great vision of love and human dignity will then arise in France to replace the lust and indignities of pornography.