Jul 2
Rick Joyner

     As we see in the Book of Revelation, some kingdoms will “become” the kingdom of our Lord, which implies a transformation to becoming His. Isaiah 60:1-3 concurs with this—that during the time of “darkness covering the earth and deep darkness the peoples,” the glory of the Lord will be revealed through His people. As the next verse affirms, then the nations will “come to the brightness of your rising.” So the nations will eventually come to the light, and as this chapter goes on to explain, they will bring their wealth and their sons and daughters. We have the sure word of prophecy that regardless of how dark it becomes, the light is going to prevail.

     It was this transformation of nations that was a basis for the “manifest destiny” doctrine that motivated many of the first settlers to America. This doctrine is still a basis for the Christian culture of America. This doctrine asserts that America has a special place in the purpose of God and is therefore sanctified because of this. This doctrine is sown throughout our history and is embedded in our most treasured documents such as The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and Bill of Rights. It is also stated in some Supreme Court decisions. Is this true? Does America have a special place in the destiny of God?

     In Scripture, there is a difference between those who have a covenant with God and those who are dedicated to God. God initiates His covenants, and there is no evidence that God has initiated a special covenant with America. However, there is much evidence that America was dedicated to God by those in positions of authority to do this and that He accepted the dedication. So what is the difference?

     The only nations in Scripture that have a covenant with God are Israel and the holy nation that is often called “spiritual Israel, the church. Even so, the things dedicated to the Lord are considered holy, and they could not be used for profane purposes or a curse would come upon those who did. This is why America, which was dedicated to God, a dedication that was affirmed by the Founding Fathers, cannot get away with things that other nations might without suffering judgment.

      Many Christians feel that the collapse of nations is inevitable and is in fact the will of God. This collapse is certainly prophesied in such places as Daniel 2, and therefore we can be sure that it will ultimately be inevitable. America may be dedicated to the Lord and blessed to the degree that we walk in His ways that He prescribed for all nations. Even so, that blessing from our dedication can also turn into a curse if we turn from the ways of the Lord, which America has been doing for the last half century. The pace of our departure from His ways is accelerating now. Even so, there is still time to change our present trajectory and become a nation blessed and protected by the Lord once again.

      If we do not have another Great Awakening in America, a revival that revives His people until they become the salt and light they are called to be, the Republic could be lost very soon. However, the first signs of another Great Awakening are beginning to be seen. There is hope, and we must not lose hope, but we do need to honestly evaluate where we are and where we’re headed if we do not change our direction.

      Let us also keep in mind that even if our Republic is lost and our nation crumbles like the rest of those that were not built on a foundation that could endure the shaking which is now upon us, the kingdom is growing in the earth—our true home if we are in Christ.

      What I was shown and wrote about 25 years ago in my book, The Harvest, is that the nations that were then under the yoke of communism would enjoy increasing liberty, while the nations that had known freedom and democracy would be brought into increasing bondage. This has happened and is continuing. America lost more of its liberty in the first 100 days of the Obama Administration than it has lost in the last 100 years. With the implementation of the Health Care Bill, every American will be wearing a terrible yoke from the government.

      We address this in more depth through the Bulletins and articles we circulate through The Oak Initiative, and this is not the place where I want to take much space for it, but freedom in America is being lost much faster than it ever seemed possible. There is pushback, but to date there has not been the kind of courageous and bold leadership to keep it in check. The leadership throughout the nation has not arisen, so the slide continues with almost every new bill passed.

      At the same time, those who are growing in Christ will become freer than ever. It is impossible to enslave those who are truly free in Spirit and Truth. The demarcation between those who are slaves and those who are free will become more striking in the times to come. One major demarcation point will be between those who are putting more and more of their trust in government and those who are growing in faith in the Lord.

      We will address this in a little more depth next week as we continue to examine how we are called to prepare the way for the Lord and His kingdom.