Keeping the main thing the main thing.

Our Our highest purpose is to love God, and after that, to love one another and express love in all we do. The Christian story is about God’s great love for and pursuit of all people. We want our story to first be about our love for God, our pursuit of Him, and the multitudes we are helping become a part of the story.

Never retreat from the enemies of the cross.

Some of the greatest victories in Scripture were won as resolute men and women loved God so much that they stood for His truth in the face of overwhelming opposition. It is our resolve to stand for His truth at any cost.

Do all things as unto the Lord, with a devotion to the highest standards of excellence.

The King of kings deserves nothing less.

Devotion to liberty.

We are told in II Corinthians 3:17 that “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” We therefore resolve not to lead by compulsion, but by love for God and one another. Our unity is a unity of diversity, not conformity.

Resolve to See Victory.

The Lord always leads us in His triumph. Christian heritage is filled with heroes of the faith like David and Joshua, the New Testament apostles and prophets, and the Knights of the Cross.  They were few in number and without material resources, but changed the world like no conqueror had done before them. The same King who worked through them also works through us.  

Never leave a man on the field of battle.

We are committed to making every effort to recover our wounded and broken from the battles of this life.