What’s the Vision?
The Bob Jones Vision Center hosts Morningstar’s Moravian Lampstand Prayer Room - a creative meeting space for an emerging intergenerational community of Prophetic Worshipers & Intercessors. Our goals are to foster an atmosphere of heavenly encounter, catalyze, equip and release people of spiritual vision, steward historical and current prophetic revelation, and generate replicable models of effective prophetic prayer and praise.

What’s in a name?
The Moravian Lampstand Prayer Room refers to a group of European religious refugees from Moravia, who profoundly encountered the Lord while in exile in the 1700’s, resulting in over 100 years of 24/7 prayer, and the birth of the modern Missions movement.  The Bob Jones Vision Center honors the late prophet Bob Jones, whose remarkable ministry had a profound impact on the Church and the modern prayer movement. We honor him by doing what he did: Developing spiritual vision to see heavenly realities, and praying for these realities to manifest on earth.

How does it work?
▪️There are weekly day-and-night sessions of prophetic praise and prayer - Some Harp and bowl sessions with Worship and Prayer; Reading and praying scripture sessions led by intercessors; Special sets, Focused Intercession Sessions, and Departmental Intercession times. There are also periodic Moravian Lampstand Burns (marathons of praise, prayer, & prophecy), as well as Burn sessions in conjunction with MorningStar conferences. These consist of morning afternoon and evening sessions when there are no main conference sessions at the HIM conference center.
▪️With a view to security, BJVC isn’t open without an overseer present & is locked when not in use.
▪️There is expanded programming during conferences and events, and times of crisis and need.
▪️The BJVC is also a venue for events - conferences, seminars, round tables, and weddings.

What do I actually do in the prayer room?
Encounter God! Contemplate Jesus. Meditate on scripture. Sing. Dance. Pray. Contemplate the natural world outside. Explore an interactive prayer station on the perimeter walls. If you get something to share during a harp and bowl Worship set, check on the white marker board to see who the designated prayer leader is and check with them as to an appropriate time to share any corporate revelation from the mic. Join a leader-facilitated time of intercession. Journal what God is showing you. We ask that conversations & phone calls be taken outside the building. 
Guest WiFi password: Harvest375

What about food & drinks?
To keep the facility clean we ask that there be no food or drinks in the BJVC. Water bottles with lids are permitted. There are picnic tables outside the building, & a deck overlooking the lake. Communion elements are available in the front entryway, and are to be partaken of in the entryway or on the lakeside deck, not in the carpeted prayer room.

How do I get involved?
To participate, see the schedule on the digital or printed schedule, and attend an event. To lead as a musician, intercessor, scripture reader or artist, contact leadership at, or for an interview & overview of the training process. Periodic Prophetic Flow Workshops and weekend intensives are an excellent way to receive training in our methodology of catching the flow of the Spirit with worship and intercession.

Thanks for your interest in the Moravian Lampstand Prayer Room at the Bob Jones Vision Center!
Robert Rummage & the BJVC Team