Resurrection Power


Craig Palmer gives his testimony about how he was healed from Cancer at a Todd Bentley meeting here at Morningstar. Todd prays for everyone in the audience with cancer. He talks about resurrection power and momentum.

Click HERE to purchase CD, DVD, and MP3 media sets from this conference.

Angelic Hosts


Josh Baldwin leads worship with songs including "Hallelujah to the King," "Grace" and "I Love Your Presence." Todd Bentley teaches about the various ministries of angels. Todd shares personal testimonies of angelic encounters and teaches using Biblical examples.

The Normal Supernatural Christian Life & Evangelism to the Multitudes


Aliss Cresswell – The Normal Supernatural Christian Life: Aliss and her husband Rob have seen God do exciting things in the UK in Chester. They go into places of no hope and bring the miracles of God. They minister the love of Jesus to Satanists, prisoners, drug addicts, witches and others desperate for Him.

Todd Bentley – Evangelism to the Multitudes: A spirit of revival will provoke us to do more in Jesus. Miracles, signs, and wonders were never intended for believers, but for the lost. The miracles are greater in areas where the hunger for Jesus is greater.

Purpose of Revival


Todd Bentley gives testimony of God’s call on his life to bring revival. Others carry this call as well. Revival will break out simultaneously in one hundred different cities all over the world. Todd shares testimonies of healings, miracles, signs, and wonders from heaven and prays an impartation for those who want to walk in these things.