MorningStar News August 1996

Our local congregation in Charlotte truly has become one of my chief joys. It is very young, and growing at a pace that is hard to keep up with, but the quality of those who are coming together is very encouraging. Even though we have a long way to go, the ministry teams and staff are maturing and showing signs of beginning to gel as true teams.

One of my dreams has been to see meetings in a local church achieve the kind of intensity and life that we have in conferences, and I think some of our local meetings have done this. That can only happen if the people are hungry, and they are. Two of the highlights in the local church have been the Worship Teams and the Prophetic Ministry Teams. Both seem to be growing at an amazing pace. Leonard, Matthew and some of the others are continually writing new songs, many of which are truly outstanding. There also seems to be almost continual reports of how the Lord is using those who are growing in prophetic gifts.

Our two main goals for this year is to see the Intercessory Prayer and Healing ministry released on higher level. The Intercessory prayer has made obvious strides, and we really tell the difference when they are upholding the ministry. Though we have seen some wonderful healings this year, we are just beginning the formation and equipping of healing ministry teams.

My main areas of concern about the local church are, 1) I do not have nearly as much time to devote to it as I would like, 2) that the conferences we host would put excessive stress on the local body, and 3) we only have a few new believers coming, and most are mature to the point where they do not need ministry as much as they need to be ministering This can create excessive pressure for a congregation as young as ours. So far the grace of the Lord has been with us with all of these. With myself and the other Ministry Team members so busy it has given many others the opportunity to begin functioning in ministry, actually solving two of these concerns.

The local body also seems to love hosting the conferences, jumping in to handle many of the duties and jobs that need to be done.

Two recent highlights has been having Joel Chernoff (of the Hebrew folk group "Lamb") come and minister to us on a Friday night and Sunday morning. Not only was his teaching and music ministry excellent, he taught us all Hebrew Folk dancing. (I still don't know whether we should thank him or forgive him for that, as many of us came a) away with numerous bruises on our shins and feet. Of course, I'm sure that I got more than even with those on both sides of me).

Another unique thing that happened recently was when Nikole Montgomery took our drama team of eight year olds to the inner city to minister. With no fanfare, they drew several hundred kids out to watch, with eighty-five coming forward to receive the Lord when Nikole gave an altar call. Out of those eighty-five we feel that fifty had a genuine salvation experience.